Thursday, August 28, 2008

Family night out .... to the E.R.

We spent Tuesday evening together as a family (sans the dogs) in the Mercy Pediatric Emergency Room. William got his 6 month shots that day and we're still not sure if he had a reaction to them or what, but he had diarrhea and vomited several times. He even dry-heaved a few times at home. No fever - but the on-call nurse at the doctor's office said we should take him to the ER just to be safe and get him checked out. We spent 2 1/2 hours there, to be released with some PediaLyte and a Tylenol suppository with instructions to follow up with the pediatrician before the weekend. Things were better Wednesday morning but still a little off. Then Thursday morning, things were better still (with the exception of the big BM and very very wet diaper he woke up with).

Thank goodness it wasn't more serious, but enough to scare poor mommy! I'm really thinking he won't be getting any shots at one year, I think they can be delayed a little bit after this. Guess we'll just see how I feel in February.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Ugh..I'm sorry to hear your little man wasn't feeling well. I hope he is doing better now. I don't blame you for wanting to delay the next round of shots. Yikes! How scary!