Wednesday, January 20, 2010

the Cosgrove Christmas

We were at my parent's this weekend again for the "Cosgrove Christmas" which isn't much about Christmas anymore as it is about getting together with all our cousins for something once a year that's not a funeral or a wedding. It's potluck so you can always count on good food and lots of laughter. This year I apparently didn't use my camera much as these 2 pics are the only ones I got (plus video posted below - which I'm not sure anyone can view).
Here, Grandma Karyn helps WD with his "date" - a WD-sized doll that he fell in love with, kissing and dancing with.

WD also enjoyed the big semi-truck Grandpa Ray saved for him. WD enjoyed stuffing beanie babies in it, and when he was done with that he found that he could also ride around on it. He gets this but you put him on something made for him to scoot around on and he doesn't get that?!?
Thanks to Sut and Row there was a rousing Spoons Tournament going. They played with Rob, Brenna, Cassie, Grandma Karyn, Aunt Amy and even Aunt Gene. And let me tell you - watching (or even hearing) Aunt Gene play made everyone's day!!! Competitive - yes. A hoot - yes. Loud - YES!!! OMGosh - I think the neighbors heard her! But it was a great time (sorry no pics of that).

WD's First Crush

The video speaks for itself! Don't you love it?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mama who?

Well - Mama is SO last year and Dada is SO 2010. WD can't seem to get enough of Dada. And I may be exaggerating a little with him not wanting Mama, but he sure prefers Dad when given the choice. He stands at the top of our stairs and hollers for Dada over and over until he gets Dada to come out of the office (remember - Dave works from home). It was cute at first, but now it's annoying to Dave when he's trying to work and I'm trying to get WD to eat breakfast, get dressed, or get out the door in the morning. Oh well. I think overall Dave is eating it up!
I got a water softener for Christmas so Dave was hooking up the filtration unit to the kitchen sink (it's not good to drink soft water). WD decided he needed to see what Dada was looking at.

Here he is going right along with whatever Dada does.
It's just too cute though - isn't it???

Christmas #2 - the deep south (part of the state)

Christmas at my parents for #2, and WD had caught on to the gifts and the fun tearing them up.
Here he shows off his Elmo from Aunt Kim and Uncle Mike. He loves it and learned to blow kisses from it. Never mind that Mama has been trying to teach him...but Elmo has it done in less than 30 seconds.

We stopped to see Great Grandma Frances (my grandma, my dad's mom). She was well, all things considered.

Sut & Row show off their gifts from Uncle Mike & Aunt Kim, they LOVED THEM!!! Footballs for "their teams" that were signed by the team members. Row actually hugged his!

Row and Sut taught WD to "feed" Elmo packing peanuts. They ALL giggled and laughed at this.

WD helps Dada open a gift with Rowan looking on.

Family picture by the tree (Karyn, Ray, Row, Sut, WD and Me). [Rob & Dave missing]