Wednesday, March 17, 2010

WD's Week of Firsts

This past week has been one of firsts, and boy have they been doozies for us. On Friday 03-12-10 WD learned that he could get out of his crib. He was so proud of himself he was more than happy to demonstrate his technique upon request (see video). So Friday night Dave turned his crib into a toddler bed (has a 1 foot railing to keep him from rolling out, but he can get in and out on his own with less danger).

That same night we also discovered that WD could open doors all by himself as he would let himself out of his room when he was suppose to be going to sleep. Now his bedroom door has a childproof knob to at least slow him down, and a raised baby gate waiting for him if he does manage to get it open. Bedtimes have been a big challenge since this change, and I now seem to have a permanent roost outside his door at night to try and keep him in his bed. We went from a 7:30 bed time to a 9:45 bedtime. And this morning he was up at 5:55am kicking at his door to get out.

Another first was Tuesday 03-16-10 at his sitter's house she went in to get him up from his nap to find that he had gotten out of his pack-and-play (no surprise there) but then managed to strip, getting his diaper off and smearing poop all over the room. When Dave picked him up that evening and was told this - he said he didn't even know what to say to her. I didn't know whether to laugh or cringe at the thought. He's certainly keeping us on our toes.

WD's New Ride

He got a tricycle from Mommy & Daddy for his birthday. I think he had more fun watching and helping Daddy than he has had with it since. Hopefully the nicer weather will change all that.