Saturday, March 14, 2009

Fun around the house

Since we all have been sick lately - that's left us to make our own fun at home.
You can see that it takes little to entertain us.
"Oh man - Buddy & Raspberry told me she'd do this!!!"

" CAUGHT YA!!!" When I told William to play with the toys in the toy box, I thought he's actually get them out of the toy box - not the other way around!

Climbing Raspberry - Again! She doesn't mind at all, and she licks him in return which he doesn't seem to mind.

Daddy and William...which one is having more fun???

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Sorry for the delay on our updates. William had been battling a cold, which I caught (that's what you get when you share you spoon). So then my cold turned into a sinus infection. And while fighting that I also was fighting some SI joint (low back/hip) issues. I finally got antibiotic and some exercises and was starting to feel better, now Dave's sick. He's got an influenza strain. He thought Tuesday was the worst, feeling better this morning - but now he'd running a fever and is in bed already at 8:30pm. Poor guy went to bed with a long-sleeve T, a Columbia fleece, AND a coat on. Add to this, that I had started feeling better, but my sinus infection sure isn't gone, and this morning I bent over to pick up my coat from the chair and really did a number on my back!!! Yikes. I'm going to be lucky if I don't go to the doctor (for the 3rd time in 1 week) tomorrow. And the sneezes are really getting to me.

On the up-side - William is doing great! Going to bed about 8pm now, and getting up at 7-7:30am (but being content to play in his crib until we get him). He's just happy as a clam...thank goodness!!!

Hope this finds you all doing better than we are.
Cover your mouths, wash your hands, and take care!