Sunday, June 28, 2009

More Fun on the Farm

Amy had to go to South to be prepared for court with her brother Rob's divorce last week and took William with her. But before she had o meet with the attorney, there was lots of fun to have on the farm! WD LOVED the kitties. He wanted G'ma & G'pa to get him one to hold and carry around. And as soon as he put one down he'd run back to have them give him another. The kittens tolerated him SO WELL!
It was a sweltering day so Amy filled the pool and William didn't take long to discover that he LOVED that just about as much as he loved the kitties.

Swingin' & singin' with G'pa Ray.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Playing on the Farm

We were recently at Grandpa Ray's & Grandma Karyn's and WD got to play outside. To avoid laundry issues, I stripped him down to his diaper. I thought he'd like the puddles more - but I dont' think it was the same if he wasn't going to get in trouble for getting muddy. :-)
"I hit the rocks again! What do I do now???"

"Ooohhh...this feels funny!"

"Hey - it's not very deep....or warm!"