Thursday, October 1, 2009

Our September - in pictures

This was my first attempt at homemade bread. It's suppose to be dark as it was a hearty multigrain. When they said to grease the pan liberally, as you can see - I apparently didn't do it liberally enough. I also followed the directions of temping out the insides to above 205 and it was, yet the insides once out of the pan were like a thick pudding. Needless to say, we've been eating store-bought bread. :-)

Here is one of 2 young bucks that were in our yard. We had never seen bucks, only does.

I kept WD and myself entertained one evening but playing dress-up. WD loves my hat and black patent flats as it is, but then I put him in one of my shirts and he got the oven mits and was in heaven. :-) Daddy didn't like it as much as WD and I did.

WD found "super goggles" at G'ma and G'pa Kluver's house. He LOVED LOVED LOVED these, and would wear them around until (as you can see) he's fog up the insides and not be able to see out. He'd then pull them off, to air out and then want to put them back on. He was so adorable with them too - in a comic relief way that is.

Last weekend we had a baby shower for our niece Jessica and her fiance Damion. Good attendance, and everything went well (once we got started an hour late).

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