Wednesday, September 30, 2009

So much going on....

Sorry for the delay in any updates with us. We've been keeping busy. Dave is playing primary parent a lot more lately and WD has definitly become a Daddy's Boy. I'm taking a graduate class and working on my application to graduate school (I can take a few classes w/o being admitted); that on top of work, family, doctors' appointments, etc. has kept me pretty preoccupied. I've also been having several health issues as my body still tries to recover from childbirth, including numerous physical therapy appointments for my back and hips, as well as other things I'll not go into here.

WD is growing like a weed, and so smart. He had his 18mo check-up yesterday (even though he's 19.5 mos - it was the soonest we could get in). He's 26 pounds which is the 50th percentile for weight, he's between 25-50th percentile for height, and he's at the 75th percentile for head size. We did get a referral for a speech assessment, as he's not saying any words yet. He talks up a storm in jibberish, but not in English yet. So there is a free program that will assess and help him if he needs it that we will be doing. We're not worried yet, but the doctor suggests we just have the free evaluation to be proactive, rather than wait until he's 2 years old and behind others his age and trying to play catch-up.

Hope you are doing well, and we'll try to do a better job with pictures and posts in October!

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