Thursday, January 22, 2009

11 Months, and walking!

With Christmas behind us, we have all been looking for a return to "normalcy" (whatever that means). The "Cry It Out" technique worked perfect for us and in less than 7 days WD was sleeping through the night without so much as a wimper. The new sitter is working out great, and thinks were going OK. That was until Monday Night this week (01/19/09)...the fateful day when William decided it was time he took a walk. He walked 8-10 steps in his first attempt from Daddy - past Mama - headed towards the dog water! Now - challenge really begins.... Here William is wearing sleek Columbia Parka, part of the snow-suit Grandma Frances's christmas money got him. But notice the complimentary style and warmth of the hand-made scarf, a gift from Aunt Kim & Uncle Mike.

"Aren't I cute???" WD seems to say as he sports his QuickSilver shirt from Cousins Caeden, Autumn, & Warren.

Look who we caught exploring behind the couch! At least he didn't get his head stuck in the railings....yet.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Watch out, now!! He's getting so big. Have fun chasing your little guy!