Thursday, September 11, 2008

3rd trip to ER in 2 weeks!

And it's the 2nd trip for our one of our 4-legged babies!

Wednesday around 1:30pm Dave was working when he heard Raspberry (our lab) making strange noises in the entry way of our house. He got up to see what she was doing and she was in convulsions. He rushed her to the vet and had to leave her there for observation and tests, as she continued to have convulsions while there. The vet thinks this is totally unrelated to the last trip to the ER a week ago when she ate rat poison (thank God), but has no other idea why this happened. Raspberry was put on IV fluids, Valium, and Phenobarbital and was release to us 6:30pm. Instructions to keep her calm for then next 1.5 weeks and to continue giving her the Pheno-Barb (as they call it). So far so good. We'll keep you posted, but keep our sweet Raspberry in your thoughts!


Sandy said...

Thinking of you guys. You've had a tough couple of weeks!

The Kluver Family said...

Yeah - I've been a little depressed and this isn't really helping it.
Oh well - things are better now...for the moment.