We had a busy week at the Kluver household last week. On Tuesday McGee Roofing showed up and started to tear off our roof and replace it. Being 2 guys down they didn't finish it until Wednesday afternoon. Well - Wednesday I had an OB appointment that didn't tell me much of anything but after I got to work at noon I started having contractions. They were a pretty steady 4 minutes apart at 1pm, I worked on closing up shop at work to go home, only to have the contractions stop completely by 2:30pm. Already ready to go home and thinking that it was "a sign" I left work, arriving home to hang out and watch a movie with my brother Rob and his 2 boys. They worked on making supper and hanging out with us only for my contractions to start back up around 4:30pm. Dave and I walked to get WD at the sitters (3 blocks away) and on the way back at about 5:40pm we knew we'd be going to the hospital right after supper.
We arrived at the hospital at 7pm and I was disappointed (an understatement) to find that they didn't think I was in labor "enough" to warrant an epidural - even though my contractions were 2 minutes apart. They nurse was awesome though (even though I really wanted to punch her until she gave me what I wanted) and suggested the whirlpool. After 15-20min in the tub - which helped mask the pain a little initially - I was dilated to a 5 - and they called the anesthesiologist (can I just add that I love Dr. Weaver and his "skills"). I got the epidural at 9:40pm, "napped" for about 20 minutes, but then the contractions were too strong and woke me up - well actually my water "popped" (literally - I heard and felt a pop) and that woke me up in addition to the contractions. I called the nurse in who checked me and I was dilated to a 10 in just 80 minutes. They called my OB in, got set up and I pushed for less than 5 minutes before welcoming Aaron David into the world. One snag - he had the cord around his neck but the doctor said about 33% of babies do so she was watching for it, and it was loose not tight - so no problems. AD was 8# 10oz and 20.5" long - arriving at 11:26pm. So really - labor from 5:30-11:26 = 6 hours. Not too bad... unless you ask me about it before I got the epidural... then I'd say something else.
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