So the updates are slower and slower, and I'm not even in school right now. But needless to stay - we're still keeping plenty busy. I'm currently 39 1/2 weeks pregnant with Peanut (our second) and thought that I should update everyone at least once more before Peanut's arrival. And yes - we call the baby Peanut as we have chosen not to find out the sex - which is more annoying the closer to it's arrival!
Here WD and I are at 31 weeks (Aug. 4th), and WD shows off his belly too.
I delivered at 38 weeks to the day with WD, so now we are in a holding pattern - just waiting. And while I'm working hard at not wishing this pregnancy away, I really don't like just waiting. I don't have a caseload at work (but have been trying to help my swamped coworkers out) and I have been on break from school since Dad's death in April. But other than that we have been pretty much ready for Peanut's arrival for several weeks. So Grandma Frances (and a Christian song)'s words are echoing through my head "this is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. I won't worry 'bout tomorrow, I'll trust in what you say."
Of course I also think of myself when I look at a plaque I have that says "God give me patience... but PLEASE HURRY".
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