As I had previously mentioned had is 19 month check-up last month and forgot to tell you all that our slim guy is 26.6#. So he pails in comparison to some of his peers (Cousin-Caeden, Friend-Chas, BFF-Kaden, etc), but he's just right to us. :-)
We also had our first AEA Early Access evaluation at home for his speech. They will come a 2nd time (all for free) in November. The 2 women said that he was a very bright, cute and charming kid (of course), but that he was falling just a little below average for his speech skills. They gave us a booklet to help coach us in how to coach him to talk. Turns out we are already doing many of those things, but this will help us keep doing them. That same day (Monday 10/12) WD had a hearing check which came out fine. We didn't think his hearing was the issue w/ his speech but it needed ruled out. His tympanogram (ear drum pressure test) said he was congested but no fluid showed in either ears. Well after 3 very rough days we got into the pediatrician on Thursday (10/15) and he had a pretty bad ear infection in his left ear and he got amoxicillin for it.
Here WD has on his new bibs and boots, both of which are a little big. He's not very happy as this is Thursday morning - so we're lacking sleep and not feeling well and Mama has the camera and won't give it to him. She's so mean!!!
Our Adventures in Potty Training are on hold as well. With WD not feeling well and being very crabby, and us being in the same boat, it just hasn't happened. He hasn't shown much interest in it either since last weekend. Hoping to try and pick it back up in a couple weeks again. Guess it's really all up to him, not me. Not sure I can get used to that idea, but then again I don't have much choice do I? :-)
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