Tuesday, August 5, 2008


After trying out a swing at Emily Short's house, WD was in love with swinging outside. Being able to look around to all the new things, and getting to swing at the same time was a huge hit with him. He also go to swing at Grandpa & Grandma's house (on the the farm), and Uncle Rob got him going so high that his feet were touching the leaves on the tree! (That's where Mama drew the line w/ Uncle Rob.) So I begged Dave to make a place for a swing for William. I had bought one brand new at a garage sale when he was about 3 month old, and was fearful we'd be selling it at a garage sale brand new as well since we don't have any reliable trees we could hang it from. So this past weekend, Dave constructed a swing set. :-)

You can see it's nothing too fancy, nice and simple, and in the front yard!

Here's WD when he's sitting up correctly, and boy does he smile when he gets to swing. I've gotten him in it daily since Dave put it up. I love pushing him in it, and I think the movement helps keep the 'skeeters away from him!

Then there's times when William slouches down, and even falls alseep in the swing.
He's such a DOLL!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is such a doll!!! I have done nothing but think about getting Braelynne a swing since seeing this!! Makes me want a yard BAD!!!!