I entered the pictures backwards so I guess we'll explain our week backwards.
The biggest change and news (depending on if you ask Dave or I) is that William and I started to nurse again. I had several complications (including infections) while previously nursing and really disliked pumping, so I quit. But I found that I really missed it the longer I went without it. So this weekend I decided to start back up. I'm pretty excited for it, and as you can see in the picture from this morning, William is pretty happy about it. What a "boob man"...huh? :-) Just keep your fingers crossed for us that this will go smoother this time around.
The other big event is William coming into a very large acquisition of toys and books from a very, very generous uncle. I'm not sure who enjoys them more...William or Daddy? Daddy reads to him everyday when they get home from the sitter's. Daddy is happy to have more reading material, but I think William would enjoy it even if Daddy read from his Backpacker magazines. Just not his Maxim magazine - WD's too young for that ...but then again - judging from the above picture, he might like all the bikini shots.
Uncle Rob and Grandma Karyn visited Sunday and took turns trying to see who could make WD laugh harder and louder. Here Uncle Rob blew kisses on William's neck, chest & tummy.
Below - I'm not sure who was laughing harder, William or Grandma Karyn!
And no that's not sweat he's worked up (although he can really get going), that's drool.
1 comment:
I hope breastfeeding is going better for you. I've had my fair share of problems with it too, but didn't know I would fight so much to keep doing it. When I started I figured I'd go until 3 months. Here I am at 9 months & still going!
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