Monday, November 7, 2011

October & Halloween Fun

This month WD, Peanut & I had a play-date with friends at the Botanical Center.

Leia, WD and Peanut pose = everyone looks happy except Peanut. :-)

This is the Jack-o-lantern pizza WD and I made on Friday night of Halloween weekend. We sat at the kitchen table eating him up, and watching It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.

Our town has Pumpkinfest as a fall celebration, so WD dressed up for trunk-or-treating and pumpkin painting.

The proud big brother finally gets to feed his little bro. WD asked almost daily when he could feed Peanut from the day Peanut came home, but we made WD wait until he was over his cold. Well - the rest of us caught it soon enough so we gave in, and WD was thrilled. Interesting how the first time was so exciting that WD hasn't asked to do it again since.

Daddy gave WD his first wrestling lesson. It didn't last too long (just as long as WD's attention span) and no one got hurt so that's good.