We should start out noting that we are pregnant! We are due Oct. 2nd, 2011 and we have chosen to NOT find out the sex. This has created some interesting conversations with WD about names and what he prefers (a brother or sister). Some boys names that he's suggested: Jesus and Chachana (his newest creation). And for girls: Zoe was his recommendation for the longest time - until his recent idea of Chanana. (Yeah - they're both jibberish to us too - not sure where either came from.)
Then there's Dad. My dad got ill and on April 3rd Mom called Rob and Mike out to "force" him to go to the hospital because of it. Dad never returned to the house. On April 30th he passed away in hospice. This had been a struggle for all of us to deal with. I know I was in denial initially - thinking that we'd all been here before several years ago and he came out of it with a new lease on life. I guess I just expected that to happen again, but it didn't. It was actually affirming to hear someone tell me this very thought just a week or 2 ago, as I thought maybe I was just cold and preoccupied with my finals at school (which I managed to pass - 2 As and a B+. Guess Dad would be proud about that.). I have leaned hard on 1 passage in particular to help me through this. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." Many times I've recited it to my self through tears... but I know it's true and so I lean on Him.