Monday, December 27, 2010
Williamism #3
Dave: WD - do you want to help me let the dogs outside?
WD: No.
So Dave walks downstairs and let the dogs out. WD erupts into tears, running to the gate at the top of the stairs.
WD: NO! Bad Daddy. You ought to know better [than to let the dogs out without him].
Friday, December 24, 2010
2010 "Christmas Card"
Amy -
The Kluvers
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Williamism #2
ME: What's this letter?
WD: B!
ME: No - it's a D.
ME: What's this letter?
WD: Cat!
ME: No - it's an O.
ME: What's this letter? (it's a G)
WD: (pointing at the O) Actually Mama, it's a zero.
Can't argue with that (they're one in the same in this set).
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
I said, "No - Guess again."
I said "If it's not your Left foot, which foot is this?"
Being the thinker that he is, WD replied "It's the other foot."
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Playing Catch-up
Anyway - onto our lives. Not much really new. I'm working more hours at work than I have since CIGTP, the job I had about 4 years ago. Even thought I'm working long hours I'm loving my job. Big change of pace (residential substance & gambling treatment when I used to be at out-patient where about 20% of the clients didn't show). And school is challenging but with help and support from my family I was able to get 100% on my midterm exam in Social Work Policy & Practice! That was a big boost that I needed as I just don't think I do well in that class. A lot of governmental & legislative stuff - and that's just tough for me to grasp - but apparently I'm getting some of it.
William is doing well. Here he is in his bibs from Grandma Karyn - and I'll be darned if I could get him to stand with his back to the cupboards - he had to stand like this - as if he were modeling. It was hilarious and adorable!
So WD is pretty-much potty trained! I say this as we had an accident today - but they are getting fewer and farther between. He still wears a diaper to nap and sleep in, but other than that - he likes being "a big boy" and using "the big boy potty". His language skills are flourishing as well. He tells us all sorts of stuff that shocks us almost daily. Most are good (he has his own knock-knock joke but it's not really a joke) and some make me cringe (Mama you shut upa you mouth). Guess parenthood is taking the good with the bad.
Dave is doing well too. He is still working from home, and does SO MUCH to help with WD so that I can work and go to class. He's a total blessing in our lives! He recently had a birthday as you can hopefully see in the video below. (If no video to watch - I didn't have luck uploading it - sorry.)
Recently, while on a play date at Bass Pro Shop with WD (so that I could study), Dave treated himself to a new toy with his birthday money. I knew they weren't just going there so WD could "see the fish" and that Dave wouldn't be coming home empty handed. He purchased a new shotgun. He said his old one was in bad shape. So now I'm trying to get him out of the house on occasion to play with this new toy. Anyone interested in getting out with him, just call him!
PS - he also has a compound bow and target he doesn't get to play with much if you'd prefer to get together for that.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
WD's speech update.
Stewart - Bettis Reunion 2010
WD enjoyed helping me make the chocolate hot fudge cake.
WD partaking in one of the best highlights - all the YUMMY FOOD!!!
WD on the way home... I think he had a good time.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Ozarks - Kluver Vacation 2010
weeks younger, Caeden Jennings Neumann, whom we don't see as much as we'd like since he lives in Arizona.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Our Parenting Skills
Sunday, June 13, 2010
May 2010 (Part 1) - AKA: Glad we bought him a bed & Time with Uncle Mike
I've also found him right behind his door many times - makes it interesting trying to get inside his room. "Inside his room?" you might be asking, "Let sleeping toddlers lie." Well - that might be good but I'm an OCD-MOMMY - I have to go in, make sure he's covered, possibly remove the night-light (so it stays darker and he might sleep until at least 7am), and to make sure he's still breathing. Remember - this is the blog of first-timers! ;-)
Then there was the time Uncle Mike visited from North Carolina. While William doesn't see Uncle Mike often, he sure LOVES when he does get to see him.
WD's look is one of concentration. He's trying to get a group-hug going with Uncle Mike and Uncle Rob, squeezing them into the picture.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
May 2010 (part 2)
William is totally a daddy's boy...until he doesn't feel good, or doesn't get his way.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Lots of Big New lately
I had a final recently and ended another class for graduate school (my 2nd class as a non-admitted student). Things went well - I think I should end with another A.
When I got home that day I had news in the mail that I had officially been accepted into the University of Iowa's Masters in Social Work Graduate Program (after a long application and writing process). I should have been really excited but I think I was just drained from the procedure and also a little let down that the back-up plan I'd created wasn't going to come to fruition. I'm more excited and optimistic now.
While WD has been in his toddler bed for a while now and doesn't get out as much at night, he has mastered the ability to play for hours in it without going to sleep. He didn't go to be last night until about 10:05! Then he was up at 6:45am (when usually we like him to be asleep by 8:15pm). This has created a temperamental toddler (and not just from his age but from lack of sleep). At least he cute...

Then last Friday (4/16) I had my follow-up appointment at the plastic surgeon's office where I was to get my stitches out (YEA!). Well - he stopped in the room long enough to tell me that it was a good thing I came in as one of the moles (the one over my right eye) wasn't a cyst but was skin cancer.
He said he's send the nurse in to remove my stitches and then he left. HUH?!?!? Yeah - that was it. Talk about him not SENSING OTHER'S NEEDS!!! Wow - thank goodness for the nurse as she told me more about it. It was Basal Cell Carcinoma, that they had clean margins so they were confident it was all contained in the tissue they removed (from my eyebrow). She told me that this would make me more apt to develop further skin cancer in the future as compared to someone who has never had skin cancer before.
In shock I went right to Walgreen's and got Mederma for my scars and high SPF sunblock for all over. I called Dave and he was just as shocked as I was, but it apparently has made him take a look at his behaviors as well as we are now in the market for big-brimmed hats for the entire family.
God Bless my cousin Kristan, she found out and told me under no circumstances am I allowed to use her tanning bed ever again. :-) Thanks Kristan - but even more so - I hope this gets you (and Cass and Brenna) to take a look at your behaviors! I haven't used a tanning bed regularly for at least 6 years, and I have been more diligent with sunscreen in the last 2-3 years. I even wear makeup with SPF 15-25 and use a moisturizer with SPF 15-25 in it. This cancerous spot I have had for less than 6 months! I just thought it was an ingrown hair from having my eyebrows waxed, but it wouldn't go away and I couldn't leave it alone. That's the only reason I wanted to have it removed - so that I didn't keep picking at it. Neither my GP or the Plastic surgeon thought anything of it, even saying that it could be a cyst.
Clearly if it can happen to me - it can happen to anyone - ESPECIALLY SOMEONE WHO TANS REGULARLY!!! So please be careful and cover up!!!
So yeah - we've been a little busy - or at least preoccupied. Hopefully things will be calmer this summer... yeah right.
Pasty. It's the new black... at least for us.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Easter Egg Hunt
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
WD's Week of Firsts
This past week has been one of firsts, and boy have they been doozies for us. On Friday 03-12-10 WD learned that he could get out of his crib. He was so proud of himself he was more than happy to demonstrate his technique upon request (see video). So Friday night Dave turned his crib into a toddler bed (has a 1 foot railing to keep him from rolling out, but he can get in and out on his own with less danger).
That same night we also discovered that WD could open doors all by himself as he would let himself out of his room when he was suppose to be going to sleep. Now his bedroom door has a childproof knob to at least slow him down, and a raised baby gate waiting for him if he does manage to get it open. Bedtimes have been a big challenge since this change, and I now seem to have a permanent roost outside his door at night to try and keep him in his bed. We went from a 7:30 bed time to a 9:45 bedtime. And this morning he was up at 5:55am kicking at his door to get out.
Another first was Tuesday 03-16-10 at his sitter's house she went in to get him up from his nap to find that he had gotten out of his pack-and-play (no surprise there) but then managed to strip, getting his diaper off and smearing poop all over the room. When Dave picked him up that evening and was told this - he said he didn't even know what to say to her. I didn't know whether to laugh or cringe at the thought. He's certainly keeping us on our toes.
WD's New Ride
He got a tricycle from Mommy & Daddy for his birthday. I think he had more fun watching and helping Daddy than he has had with it since. Hopefully the nicer weather will change all that.