Sorry for the delay on our updates. William had been battling a cold, which I caught (that's what you get when you share you spoon). So then my cold turned into a sinus infection. And while fighting that I also was fighting some SI joint (low back/hip) issues. I finally got antibiotic and some exercises and was starting to feel better, now Dave's sick. He's got an influenza strain. He thought Tuesday was the worst, feeling better this morning - but now he'd running a fever and is in bed already at 8:30pm. Poor guy went to bed with a
long-sleeve T, a Columbia fleece, AND a coat on. Add to this, that I had started feeling better, but my sinus infection sure isn't gone, and this morning I bent over to pick up my coat from the chair and really did a number on my back!!! Yikes. I'm going to be lucky if I don't go to the doctor (for the 3rd time in 1 week) tomorrow. And the sneezes are really getting to me.
On the up-side - William is doing great! Going to bed about 8pm now, and getting up at 7-7:30am (but being content to play in his crib until we get him). He's just happy as a clam...thank goodness!!!
Hope this finds you all doing better than we are.
Cover your mouths, wash your hands, and take care!