Thursday, January 22, 2009

11 Months, and walking!

With Christmas behind us, we have all been looking for a return to "normalcy" (whatever that means). The "Cry It Out" technique worked perfect for us and in less than 7 days WD was sleeping through the night without so much as a wimper. The new sitter is working out great, and thinks were going OK. That was until Monday Night this week (01/19/09)...the fateful day when William decided it was time he took a walk. He walked 8-10 steps in his first attempt from Daddy - past Mama - headed towards the dog water! Now - challenge really begins.... Here William is wearing sleek Columbia Parka, part of the snow-suit Grandma Frances's christmas money got him. But notice the complimentary style and warmth of the hand-made scarf, a gift from Aunt Kim & Uncle Mike.

"Aren't I cute???" WD seems to say as he sports his QuickSilver shirt from Cousins Caeden, Autumn, & Warren.

Look who we caught exploring behind the couch! At least he didn't get his head stuck in the railings....yet.

Monday, January 12, 2009

CRY IT OUT: Nights #5 & #6

NIGHT #5 - HORRIBLE! We were at G'ma Karyn's & G'pa Ray's and we think WD not being in his crib and being in an unfamiliar place was the cause. He cried/wined pretty much non-stop from 11:30pm - 3:00am. He didn't seem to keep anyone awake except me (and I elbowed Dave occasionally as well, I didn't want him to miss out on the excitement).

NIGHT #6 - BACK TO THE new ROUTINE. We had our bath, and our bottle, and cried no more than 5 minutes once we put him to bed. That's the shortest time yet. He stirred a time or two around 3 and 6:30, but put himself back to sleep in less than 60 seconds!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

CRY IT OUT: Nights #3 & #4

The last 2 nights we have put WD to bed and he screams immediately (15 minutes Night #3, and 12 minutes on night #4 when we put him to bed early as he was so tired), but he has slept throught the night both nights.
He has been crying/fussing off and on this morning from about 6 - 7am, but we've just left him in his in his crib.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

CRY IT OUT: Night #2

Not much to report for last night. WD wanted to play and not relax to go to sleep after his bath. So after he was done eating, I put him in his crib and dimmed the lights. After about 15minutes of crying/screaming, he fell asleep. AND HE SLEPT ALL NIGHT THROUGH! He woke up about 7:40am. Now... if every night from now on could go so smoothly. But then again - we're traveling South to G'ma & G'pa's this weekend... so fat chance of that happening.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

CRY IT OUT: Night #1

As some of you may already know, I've been very frustrated lately at the lack of consistency WD's sleep pattern has had. He'd sleep all the way through the night 1 night, but not the next. Then again sleep all the way though the night, and the next night be up 3 different times! It was really messing with me. I used to be a person who didn't need much sleep, but apparently I'm no longer that person. I NEED SLEEP! I can still get by on the occasional disruption due to WD being ill, but lately I knew there wasn't anything wrong with him (other than possibly teething, and that's going to continue for some time). My frustration was growing, AND GROWING with each inconsistent night that passed.

Yesterday I came to the realization that I've done this to my child (with a little help from Dave). I've turned this loving, super-sweet little guy into a night-time-attention-driven-little-devil. Don't get me wrong, I know he's still the sweet little guy, but not as sweet and easy as he used to between the hours of 9pm-7am. So I reached out to other recent mommies in my life for suggestions (even though in the back of my mind, I think I knew that needed to be done). I got support, and some different ideas, but mostly found a lot of them were struggling with the same problem. Their good sleepers, had all of a sudden taken on these new behaviors.

When my niece/friend actually told me what I knew all along. That I needed to get tough and get WD back on track, and stop spoiling him. Her suggestion for this was the "Cry It Out" method (aka The Ferber Method ). She said that her pediatrician gave her a pamphlet on it when she complained about her son's sleeping behaviors. So I went home last night and thought that we'd need to give it a try.

"This is going to suck." I can't stand to hear WD cry, it's worse than nails on a chalk board to me. How on earth will I get through this? I'll have to sleep in the basement (2 levels below his nursery), and even then will probably pace the floor. Then march up stairs and demand that Dave get out of my way and let me hold my poor-crying-helpless-little-love.

"F--K IT." Yep - I said it - and I said it in reference to my child. I know that doesn't make me a bad mommy, just a stretched-too-far-mommy. Now let me explain what that was said in reference to.
Dave (and my niece/friend) thought we had better try this over the weekend in order to be able to handle how upset WD would be and therefore handle how little sleep we would get. Then I said that I wanted to put him to bed without the rocking that we had been doing, so that he could start getting used to that. Dave agreed and suggested that be the only change we make until this weekend. But it was 9:30pm and WD had been bathed, fed (which he refused to eat much), changed into his pajamas, and was ready for bed...and all he wanted to do was play. So I made sure he had a few safe toys in his crib and I put him to bed. He immediately screamed. I would put my hand around the wall every 3-4 minutes to dim the lights more until they were completely off. And within 15-20 minutes he had cried himself to sleep. We made sure he was covered and went to bed ourselves.
I shut my light off at 10pm (I had been reading during WD's crying), and at 10:15pm was awakened by crying. I suggested we ignore it, but Dave begged me to get up this time, and he'd take the next round. So I begrudgingly got up to check on WD. Walked in to see he was still laying down and covered up! "Cr*p!" I thought, "I shouldn't be in here!" But before I could turn around I had been spotted. I put my hand on his back and reassured him he was OK. I was out of there within 60 seconds as this is when I thought "F--k it". I knew he was fine, he was in a clean diaper, he was safe, warm and FINE... I was going to go back to bed. I no sooner got settled into bed when Dave got up to silence WD. 10 or so minutes later Dave was back in bed, and WD was asleep. Then again at 11:15pm = crying. Dave got up and took care of things "as usual" (bottle & rocking, and then to bed when done with the bottle). Then crying again at 2:30am. I checked on him and again had my "F--- it" thoughts, and reassured myself that I had programmed WD to do this, and I needed to program him NOT to do it anymore, or he would just keep doing it! I'M NOT GOING TO ENABLE HIM!!! (ha ha ha - work joke) So I didn't get him out of bed, I just reassured him and turned around and went back to bed. He was still crying/screaming at 2:55am, so I got up to check on him. I got him in a clean diaper (he wasn't that bad, but changed him anyway), offered an old bottle which he refused, offered Tylenol in case it was his teeth, hugged him and put him back to bed at 3:00am. By 3:20am he was asleep so I covered him up and went back to bed.

Dave woke me up at 7:45, and I had to wake WD up at 8:00am as he was sound asleep. I really think it was a success. I think it's totally do-able and plan to continue this tonight. WD was still smiley this morning, and acted as if nothing had happened last night. I too know this doesn't mean that I'm heartless, or that I am being cruel. It simply means that I'm trying to instill some consistency in my family's lives, and therefore from some healthy patterns....if we can continue to follow through!

Wow - this totally makes me think of BF's all about programming. I'll keep you all posted as we continue this "experiment".

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Interesting Article (please read)

Starting in February, all resale shops (Goodwill, Salvation Army, Me & Mommy-to-be, etc.) will be required to test all clothing and toys for children ages 12 and under for lead and phthalates. If they test positive, or are left untested, they are to be destroyed (or sent to a landfill) but NOT resold or used in any way. They may make a very small portion exempt (clothing made of only cotton, only wool, or toys made of only unpainted wood) but this is yet to be decided.,0,2083247.story

It's about time they do more to protect children, but I can't help but feel bad for all the small businesses that will suffer from this.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas at G'ma Karyn & G'pa Ray's

The Cousins, Rowan (6), Sutton (9) and William (10.5 mos).
Rob, Sut & Row open a gift to them, as Grandpa Ray looks on.
Mommy helps William open a gift, or is it the other way around?
Rob and Row check out a new book that Rowan got.
ROB GETS HIS SALAD SPINNER! Do you think he's excited???
Sutton, Amy & William cuddle on the love seat.
Row notices the camera, as we all look to see what Sut got.
Dave partakes in the Wii boxing tournament that we got going. (He fights like a girl! At least that's what his technique looks like.)

The Start of Something Good.

Happy 2009 everyone, I hope you all ventured into it safe and warm. I just wanted to share how time flies, not that any of you don't know that. For us 01/01/09 wasn't special for the fact that it was New Years - but for the fact that Dave and I met 8 years ago exactly. We were discussing how, in so many ways it doesn't seem like 8 years...and in a few others it seems like a lot longer. :-) Then we were discussing that in just over 5 weeks we will have a 1-year-old in our home! He's just cut 2 more uppers this week, and once those come through more, he'll have 7 teeth, and a pretty full smile. My baby is growing so quickly, but so far I'm still able to get hugs and loves from him. And let me tell you I hold on longer and longer each time, as I know the older he gets, the less he'll want to stop and love his mommy.

Wow... I'm not so sure time is on my side, if it were it wouldn't leave me in the dust.


"It's Oh So Quiet..." (mental tune of Bjork's playing on in my head)
I've just come to the realization that I have a new found appreciation for silence...or something akin to it. I used to like to clean with the radio on, or even as I type now I used to prefer to have music playing, or the TV on. But right now I'm perfectly content with the humming noise from the baby monitor.

WD is napping. Dave and the pups are on a walk. And I've just sat down (after assembling a pot roast for supper) to share this revelation with you

Hopefully more to come on the blog yet today. Take care & check back in frequently!