Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Time Marches On ......with or without us.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Earth Day

I'll blame the late Earth Day entry on the Mommy Brain that I'm really struggling with lately.
As for Earth Day - I had wanted to encourage everyone to do something better for the enviornment. Just one small thing can really make a very big impact. Did you know it takes 1# of plastic 500 years to biodegrade in a landfill? 500 years!!! Think of all the bottled water and drinks in plastic bottles yourself and everyone you know are consuming right now. I walk around the office and see pop bottles thrown away all the time. COME ON PEOPLE!!! 1) that's 5 cents! and 2) RECYCLE RECYCLE RECYCLE!!!
The one small change you could make is to reuse your plastic water bottles (especially if there isn't a recycling program in your area). They are good for many uses. People worry about reusing them because of all the hype the see on the internet. You'll die of something else long before you have to worry about your plactic water bottle killing you. Have you had a cell phone to your ear lately? Stood in front of the microwave anytime? Gone outside w/o sunscreen on recently? Those things all have a bad hype but you still do them all the time.
Or newspapers...could you compost them? Line your garden with them to keep weeds out? Recycle them?
Or gas, could you make less trips to the store? Car pool with a coworker or neighbor? Get a FlexFuel vehicle next time? Walk more?
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Status Quo
Same ol' Same ol' today (at least compared to the last 2 or 3 days).
William slept from 10pm - 4:15am, then let us sleep until 7:30am.
He was pretty fussy tonight - but has crashed now (9:30) and in bed for the evening.
We mailed some pictures out today - immediated family keep your eyes out. As for the rest of you, we'll try to get some more out soon.
FYI - We send a great big congratulations to Linda & Dave Muhlbauer who welcomed a baby boy into the world this morning. 8# 13oz. We can't wait to meet "Little M." :-)
Thursday, April 17, 2008
He did it again!
I put William to bed last night at 10, and he got up at 5:45 this morning! YEAH! He's getting there! It likely had something to do with all his shots yesterday stressing him and wearing him out - but I think he may be starting to "get it".
Of course now that I've said that - he'll prove me wrong. :-)
Of course now that I've said that - he'll prove me wrong. :-)
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
2 Month Shots
Today William had his 2 month shots (Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertussis, Polio, Hep. B, Pneumococcal, and "Hib" all combined into 3 different shots + an oral vaccine for RotoVirus). He screamed bloody murder and bled pretty good for one of them. Some Tylenol and mommy's breast seemed to calm him down. Here's his stats to date.
Weight: 12# 12oz (just 5 weeks ago he was 9# 4oz)
Height: 23.25"
Head: 15.5"
PS - We want everyone's thoughts/prayers to be on "G'pa" Don Kluver who is recovering today from the total knee replacement he had yesterday. We love you Don!
Weight: 12# 12oz (just 5 weeks ago he was 9# 4oz)
Height: 23.25"
Head: 15.5"
PS - We want everyone's thoughts/prayers to be on "G'pa" Don Kluver who is recovering today from the total knee replacement he had yesterday. We love you Don!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Not So Much
Well WD hasn't slept through the night since Saturday. And the most frustrating part of it is that I know he can do it now - but isn't. Oh well - not like I have any control over that. And besides - I get the late shift so it doesn't even affect me (Dave is the one who gets out of having to get up with the baby from 12 - 3) - when he starts sleeping past 5am or 6am - that's when I'll be happy. But if I were smart I'd still get up then just to get some things done before he woke up. Guess my days of getting 8 hours of continuous sleep are no more. ;-)
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Pictures / Fist
WD had his pictures today - and as Murphy's Law would have it - he saved up all his smiles for AFTER they were over. Go figure. And as the photographers hope - we left with more photos than we had intended...but I think you'll all agree - they're pretty cute! (Check back in to see some once I get them downloaded here.)
Also - William found his fist a few times this evening. He had found it in the past - but I suspect it was more by accident, than intention. Tonight he found it a few times and proceeded to make very loud sucking noises on it. :-) Hopefully this isn't something that will be too long of a habit (I speak from experience) as we really don't want to have to save up for the orthodontist. Guess only time will tell.
Also - William found his fist a few times this evening. He had found it in the past - but I suspect it was more by accident, than intention. Tonight he found it a few times and proceeded to make very loud sucking noises on it. :-) Hopefully this isn't something that will be too long of a habit (I speak from experience) as we really don't want to have to save up for the orthodontist. Guess only time will tell.
Put William down last night about 10:15 or 10:30 and he didn't wake up until 4:55 this morning!!! He did it - he slept through most of the night. Dave got up at 3 to check on him since he hadn't heard HIS wake-up call. Now - if he could just get this into a routine...
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Yeah - Someone voted!!! But I just can't figure out who I would have invited here that likes OBAMA! :-) lol
Maybe I'll try to figure out how to add a sign-in sheet. Won't that be fun? (Doesn't take much to entertain me).
Maybe I'll try to figure out how to add a sign-in sheet. Won't that be fun? (Doesn't take much to entertain me).
My very first blog
Not exactly sure what to write. But William is in his swing, just chillin' and Dave is just finishing supper. I'm busy avoiding sorting out a mess with my check book. Nothing like procrastination!
It's approx 30 degrees here and gloomy, but they are saying 70s by this time next weekend. So we're just trying to get some things done inside, a nice lazy Saturday (well - not exactly lazy). Tomorrow we are going to Portrait Innovations (at Jordan Creek) for pictures. Can't wait - hope they turn out great (keep your eyes peeled here for results).
Not exactly sure what to write. But William is in his swing, just chillin' and Dave is just finishing supper. I'm busy avoiding sorting out a mess with my check book. Nothing like procrastination!
It's approx 30 degrees here and gloomy, but they are saying 70s by this time next weekend. So we're just trying to get some things done inside, a nice lazy Saturday (well - not exactly lazy). Tomorrow we are going to Portrait Innovations (at Jordan Creek) for pictures. Can't wait - hope they turn out great (keep your eyes peeled here for results).
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